Welcome to The Hoop, our exclusive loyalty program designed to celebrate and reward your love for our brand and our love for our customers. At The Hoop, we believe in showing our gratitude for your continued support by offering you a range of exciting gifts and special offers. Joining The Hoop is effortless, and the more you shop, the more delightful honours you can enjoy, making every purchase an opportunity for something special. Thank you for being a cherished part of our collective—let's make your shopping experience even more rewarding with The Hoop!


At The Hoop, we believe in making our loyalty program accessible to everyone. Designed to be easy to join, it honours all customers while reflecting our commitment to giving back. We genuinely care about our members and strive for positive interactions, showing our appreciation through thoughtful honours. Each member is treated as unique, with offers tailored to individual preferences. Upholding the highest standards in our honours and customer service, we ensure that every honour feels special and valuable, making your experience with us truly memorable.


Sapphire Hoop Yearly Spend $250

As a Sapphire member, you embody the essence of wisdom and a commitment to excellence. Just like the sapphire's rich blue hue signifies royal nobility, your dedication to our brand is both esteemed and steadfast. Enjoy exclusive benefits and privileges that reflect your loyal and discerning nature. 

Hoop Honours: 

  • Sapphire Hoop Box 
  • Birthday gift 
  • Exclusive access to new product 
  • Exclusive access to sale 
  • Exclusive access to promotions and offers 


Pearl Hoop Yearly Spend $500

As a Pearl member, you are a beacon of personal growth and transformation. Pearls symbolise the journey of development and the beauty that emerges from it, just as you continuously evolve and enhance your relationship with our brand. Your membership reflects a love for growth and the elegance of transformation.  

Hoop Honours: 

  • Pearl Hoop Box 
  • Birthday gift 
  • Exclusive access to new product 
  • Exclusive access to sale 
  • Exclusive access to promotions and offers 


Emerald Hoop Yearly Spend $1000

As an Emerald member, you are closely connected to the vibrant energy of growth and the depth of heartfelt commitment. Emeralds represent a flourishing spirit and the nurturing of relationships. Your membership highlights your role in fostering a thriving and loving community with us. 

Hoop Honours: 

  • Emerald Hoop Box 
  • Birthday gift 
  • Exclusive access to new product 
  • Exclusive access to sale 
  • Exclusive access to promotions and offers 
  • In store styling session


Diamond Hoop Yearly Spend $2500

As a Diamond member, you exemplify strength and endurance, embodying the pinnacle of our loyalty program. Just as diamonds are the most precious of stones, your loyalty is invaluable to us. This elite tier offers the ultimate in exclusivity and recognition, celebrating your unwavering support. 

Hoop Honours: 

  • Diamond Hoop Box 
  • Birthday gift 
  • Crystal incrusted diamond physical loyalty card
  • Exclusive access to new product 
  • Exclusive access to Sale
  • Exclusive access to promotions and offers 
  • Hoop Box gets sent directly to home 
  • Buy/return anything
  • In store styling session
  • Shop after hours
  • Gift for a friend

Let’s Hoop You In

Start Stacking your Hoop Honours!

Follow @HARLI + HARPA on Instagram and Tik Tok to stay up to date with new campaigns new pieces and exclusive Hoop Honours plus so much more.